Welcome to the registration page for eTranslation, the European Commission’s safe and secure machine translation system. It also gives you access to the expanding range of AI tools developed under the Digital Europe programme. These include eSummary, Anonymization and more.

To use eTranslation and the other AI language tools, you need two things:

  • an EU Login ID;
  • an eTranslation account.

1 To register for an EU Login, click here . Once you have your EU Login credentials, return to this page to complete the next steps.
2 Enter the email address associated with your EU Login account:

3 eTranslation is intended for European public administrations, local and regional authorities, small and medium-sized enterprises, EU Freelance Translators, universities, non-governmental organizations and Digital Europe Programme projects. EPSO candidates are also eligible during the recruitment process.
Please indicate the type of user you are:

eTranslation Disclaimer:

Translations are generated by eTranslation, a machine translation tool provided by the European Commission. Machine translation can give you a basic idea of the content in a language you understand. It is fully automated and involves no human intervention. The quality and accuracy of machine translation can vary significantly from one text to another and between different language pairs. The European Commission does not guarantee the accuracy and accepts no liability for possible errors. Some content (such as images, videos, files, etc.) may not be translated due to the technical limitations of the system.

For EU legislation, prefer the authentic versions available in the 24 official languages at Eur-Lex. See also the Europa language policy and legal notice (includes privacy policy and copyright notice).


eBriefing Disclaimer:

eBriefing uses a large language model for generative AI. eBriefing drafts are intended only as first drafts to facilitate the writing process, not as a final text for direct use. As with all AI technology, it is imperative for the user to check that the information in the eBriefing output is accurate.

eBriefing output contains only information from the documents submitted by the user. It does not include any information or content that the underlying model may know from its training data but is not present in the input documents.

It is the user’s responsibility not to upload any input documents that may contain copyrighted content for which the user does not have proper permission to use. It is the user's responsibility not to use eBriefing output in ways that may give rise to a risk of copyright infringement.

The European Commission does not guarantee the accuracy and accepts no liability for possible errors, or for any misuse of eBriefing output.

See also the Europa legal notice (includes privacy policy and copyright notice).


Privacy Statement: Register of the Data Protection Officer

eBriefing: Register of the Data Protection Officer

eTranslation and its associated tools (including eSummary, Anonymization, Speech-to-Text, Named Entity Recognition and others) record the login, time of access, languages requested, size of document submitted for translation and the domain of your email address ([email protected]) to enable access to the service and processing of requests, as well as for statistical purposes. These are kept for 18 months and then archived.

If you choose to have your document returned by e-mail, your e-mail address will be kept until the document is sent. It will subsequently be reduced to its domain only. Users should exercise their judgement when submitting potentially sensitive documents to any online service, including eTranslation.

Documents submitted remain available to download for 24 hours for eTranslation, and for 72 hours for the other tools. They are then deleted whether they have been downloaded or no. There is also a “delete after download” option which, if ticked, results in the text being deleted immediately after it is delivered.

Data will not be shared with third parties.

Should you wish to raise any concerns on the eTranslation’s use of personal data please write to


If you have any questions, please contact DGT-AI-Language-Services-Advisory.